Couple Session | Nashville Photographer | Lifestyle In Home
I truly am incredibly thankful that photography allows me to meet such wonderful people! I also am thankful everyday that my clients welcome me into their home and allow me to shoot not only their beautiful family, but also their beautiful home. OHHH and most importantly their PUPS! If you don’t already know this about me… I’m a crazy dog lady! I think I get along better with dogs then humans sometimes!! If you love dogs half as much as I do… you will love this lifestyle session I did.
Meet Winston the Goldendoodle!! He’s seriously the cutest, sweetest giant ever! So grateful Caylen and Mitch welcomed me into their home to do this shoot! Winston greeted me the second I walked up to his house! I even earned a hug from Winston ten minutes into the session!! Which just made my day!
Caylen and Mitch were a dream to shoot! I loved every minute of getting to know their story. These two have a love for travel and hearing all the places they have been makes me want to travel! It was also so special hearing their love story, how they met, and what brought them here to Nashville! Their session has inspired me to get more couples in front of my camera and get to share their store. I’m thinking of starting a couples series!! What do you guys think!? Because I’m all about it!

You were an absolute dream to work with! Thank you for your sweet words and for loving Winston – he adored you too!!!